Friday, August 8, 2008

08.08.08 A day to remember

08.08.08. Many say today is a day to remember mostly because of the opening of Beijing Olympic Games. I watched some of the opening ceremony today and I must say it really impressed me. A great show that I believe created even more interest in the Chinese culture. I felt like China is really a place I should go to sooner or later.

Today is also the day when I finally decided to start blogging. Given the amount of blogs already existing I guess I should consider myself a late adopter. Better late then never though. I have been pondering over the possibility for quite some time and found always good excuses for not starting. The main reason has been the fact that I did not have a good topic to write about or enough time to write. At least I though I had not. Now I figured that I could be writing mostly about things I experience during my daily life. The idea is to share with others good and bad experiences, recommendations and hints I come up with or collect from other sources. So that if you keep reading my blog you might actually find out new things or help me finding them out with your comments.

I will keep the posts hopefully interesting and short enough. I don't like reading long posts myself either.

So thanks for stopping by and come back for more interesting posts in the future.
And if you ended up here while searching for news on the olympics, jump over to twitter to hear more of what people are saying about it.